Can I upload the orders in bulk quantity?
Yes. You can prepare your order information in the InstaShipin-provided excel format and upload all those orders in bulk to the system.
What is the maximum number of orders I can process in bulk?
You can process upto 1000 orders in a single excel upload.
How do I process bulk orders?
When you upload orders in bulk, InstaShipin first scans each order, checking through their information for completeness and serviceability. Orders that are found serviceable are auto allocated to couriers in real time. The assigned logistics info shall be displayed on screen against each serviceable order.
Can I print multiple shipping labels and manifest sheet?
Yes, we have provided custom options to print multiple labels as per courier requirements. Manifest sheet is auto generated and printable too.
Can I create a single order?
Yes you can create and upload a single order and process the same. Any number from a single order to 1000 orders is possible in a bulk order processing session.